Tuesday, November 17

An Idea for Family Home Evening

So, I decided that our next Family Home Evening would be about the significance of the Sacrament after passing the bread tray to Joshie at church this Sunday and he casually waved it off saying, "Oh, no thank you!  I not hungry."  I took a second to remind him that we don't pass the sacrament because he might be hungry, but to think about his Jesus and His life and example and his atonement.  I offered it to him again and got the same response, "But I NOT HUNGRY!"


CinnaPatty said...

Looks like you can lead the boy to the sacrament, but you can't make him partake! Ha ha. Funny kid.

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

there was a dog the other day on someone's lap and he took the sacrament.

JBSquared said...

Haha! When my boys get the bread they immediately (and loudly) demand the water. Last Sunday after Seth got bread he said "I want more bread snacks!" Silly boys. :)

Holmstroms said...

CUTE! I can totally picture Joshie saying that, and getting that little scrunchy angry look on his face. Haha, I love that your boys have such fun energetic personalities.
- Jen

Michelle said...

Hope he was more hungry today when the sacrament came around!