Monday, September 22

So that happened...

With our official entry as a family into the online world, we wanted to start things off with a splash.  We are growing.  As of March 27, 2009, our family is going to grow to five.  We decided that our home was just not loud enough. 


Shane said...

Congratulations! What exciting news!

We have a blog too! You'll have to stop by sometime!

Steve and Rebecca said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I can't believe it!!!??? Well, actually I did have a hunch, but this is so exciting!!! How have you been feeling all summer long? Congratulations you guys!!

Michelle said...

I have to find out from the blog that you're pregnant! Congrats and welcome to the blogging world.

Carrie said...

Congrats! I had heard a rumor glad to know it was true! I think I feel another baby boom for FV3. You're the 3rd I know of for March. Yay!

Kim Harvey said...

I knew it! That's why I jumped online right when I got your email. I knew something was up...Congratulations! That is so fun. said...

Oh by gosh!!! Congrats, Julie, Scott, Ben, and you know yet what you are having?? Rebecca and Steve better keep the tradition going.....let's see, 6 months after this one??? That would be Sept........maybe on my birthday. Actually, I think they are going to wait a little longer!
Hope you are feeling okay.
Debi Hope

Jennifer B. said...

Wow! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.

Sharie McCraney said...

Congratulations! Your babies are so adorable. You can already see cutness. So excited for you guys!

Danika said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I will send girl thoughts your way...

Rachel Jensen said...

Congratulations! Hope you are feeling ok, Julie. We are really enjoying life with 3 kids eventhough they outnumber us. Just think, no 3rd trimester in the summertime. :)

Renee said...

Congratulations!!! I hope you have a girl!!! That way your house will still be noisy but not as noisy or messy!!!

Jenny said...

Congratulations Merrill family!I won't forget the due date either cause it my birthday too. I am excited to be able to keep up with you through your blog. I have one too!

Tiffany said...

Love the blog! So glad that you FINALLY joined the world. Now we can keep in touch better. I am also glad that you got an Ultrasound. Did Robin end up doing it? Love you guys!

Jen said...

What a way to let the whole bloggosphere know! How wonderful!! That is Logan's b-day (march 27) a great month to have a baby!! Congrats you guys!!

Emily said...

Ha! Ha! Cute baby...looks like you.

JBSquared said...

I KNEW IT!! Did you know this when we were out there in Aug? I started to wonder if you had told us then and I somehow forgot (what kind of a friend am I?) but no, it's just my baby radar kickin' in again. I kept excpecting you guys to make the announcement that whole weekend. Aahhh!! Yay, that's exciting!

We will be thinking girl thoughts for you, too. Although I know you will be thrilled with whatever comes your way. John just wants to make sure your boys are sharing a room, because he doesn't want "our" room taken. :) Congrats!!

shari berry bo-berry said...

yea! welcome to the blogging world!!

And congrats again! I'm so excited for you guys!

Scott+Kimber+Ruby=Scimby said...

yay!!!!! We're so excited for you guys!!!! Give us niece! We love you guys, and congrats again! we're thinkin that hunch Kristin had a while back was true?! haha

Sara Decker said...

Yeah, I'm so excited you have a blog, I feel like we haven't seen you in forever. Congrats on the exciting news. Will it be another boy??? Can't wait to hear. Hope you are feeling well. Miss you.

Mason Family said...

Hi Merrill Family that is wonderful do you know what it is yet? Now that i have your blog it will be nice to stay in touch and see our families grow. It was good seeing you in June at the grandmas funeral. we'll stay in touch Congratulations on the baby.
Zac, Tiffiny, Emma & Cooper

Jodi said...

Yea! Can't wait to meet Merrill #3.

Shawna said...

Hey, I'm a bit late but congrats! Here's our blog address if you're interested

Holmstroms said...

Daniel & I had no clue!! We went over to Steve and Rebecca's for dinner yesterday and Steve mentioned you were going to find out if its a boy or a girl and we thought he was joking. Congratulations : D Can't wait for another adorable little Merrill.
- Jen