Tuesday, July 7

Oh, Yes...I DID!

Maybe it was because I lost my mind after spending a day in the bathroom potty-training. Maybe because I was alone with the kiddos from 7 am to 9 pm. Maybe it was hormones or nursing brain...but, look what I did to my BABY! In hindsight, I really meant to put a guard on the clippers, but I remembered one swipe too late. So, my baby went from thinning patchy hair to completely BALD! Whoops! At least, he's only 3 months and could care less. He still looks happy... When I showed Ben, he was in bed and laughed so hard he fell back and hit his head on the bed. Then, always so protective of his baby bro, asked acusingly, "Mom, did you hurt him!?" to which I replyed, "No, not at all. Actually, he seemed quite content while I was making him Bald Baby." What a trusting good baby. If you haven't noticed, this is my first blog. Up to this point, Scott has done all the blogging. I am feeling very guilty about documenting our life. I am feeling like my sweet boys are growing up before my eyes and I have such a bad memory, I won't be able to recall all the funny, wonderful things they do. So, I publicly vow to become a blogger. I hope I can figure out how this all works and include some pictures. So, stay tuned!


Michelle said...

Julie-That is so funny. I can't believe you buzzed his hair! Luke is 11 months and I still haven't quite gotten to it, although Stephen is now calling him Frasier!

I'm glad you're documenting this fun story for posterity's sake.

Danika said...

Welcome to blogging! It is quite addicting.

He is so cute, no matter how much hair he has!

JBSquared said...

Remembering those cute funny stories is the whole reason I started blogging. And, c'mon, you had to share that cute little bald head with the world. He sure does look happy! (And what good, loving big brothers he has!)

CinnaPatty said...

Yeah Julie! I've been waiting forever for an update. We miss you guys! Love the BALD BABY. That is sooooo funny. Hang in there girl!

Sara Decker said...

Bald baby is so stinkin cute. THat is adorable. He will never remember. We need to get together...

Adam and Kristin said...

Wowzers! Julie! You're becoming a blogger!!! Yes, it is a great way of doing family history. I think it's better and easier than scrapbooking.